Dave received a very nice bonus check a few weeks ago which was very unexpected. we spent a week trying to decided just what to do with the money and in the end we payed off some bills, put some in savings, and decided to do something for the kids. Dave and I looked at some different Power Wheels motorized cars for the kids but we just weren't sure of the prices. We knew getting just one would only cause fights over who got to drive and the price for two good ones was a bit high. We finally decided that we would take the kids to Toys R Us and let them each pick out any toy they wanted.
So Wednesday evening we took the kids to the toy store. On the way we told them that they could each pick out any toy they wanted. Ian immediately said he wanted a mower like his friends Andrew which made me laugh because it was one of those push ones that blow bubbles and pretty inexpensive. Emma said she knew what she wanted but refused to tell us until we got to the store. On the way in Emma finally told me she wanted to get one of those girl heads with the hair that she could play with and practice fixing hair. I took Emma and went through all the girls toys. We saw a couple different kinds of the doll heads that she really liked but I wanted her to look at everything in the store and we still had the games and educational area to look at. While Emma and I were looking at her stuff Dave had taken Ian to the other side of the store to look at his stuff. As Emma and I were walking over to the games are we ran into Dave and Ian who were coming to find us. I asked Ian if he found anything he wanted and he told me he wanted the green car. I thought he was talking about a remote control car or something. I asked Dave what it was and he didn't know so we asked Ian to show us. Apparently as they walked to their side they had to pass the Power Wheels and Ian spotted a Green Jeep.
As we were looking we noticed that they had some of the cars on sale and the prices were good. Then we spotted a John Deer riding lawn mower with a trailer. We showed Ian and his face lite up. I knew at that moment there would be no way I could tell him no and I held my breath as I looked at the price. Thankfully it was on sale too. Of course since Ian was getting one we had to find one for Emma too. Now about a month ago Emma informed me that when she was a big girl and could drive a car she was going to have a purple car with no roof. Well it just so happen that they had a purple corvette that was the perfect price. When we told the kids we were getting them for them they both jumped up and down and Emma informed us that we were the best parents ever!
Dave and I had to live up to the best parents ever so we stayed up till almost midnight last night putting them together and charging the batteries so that today they could go outside and play with them. After dinner we took them out and after a little coaching they both figured out how to make them go and steer fairly well. They were so happy and they look so cute driving them.
Anyone want to guess what we will be doing all weekend?