Adding to the small town charm is their Christmas spirit. At every intersection down main street they have planters that are changed to reflect the season we are in. Currently each planter has a small real Christmas tree that is completely decorated. We also have the old fashion oil lamp looking street lights that currently have Christmas wreaths on them. The cherry on the cake though is the enormous, time square sized evergreen tree that sits across the street from Town Hall.
Every year at Christmas time the village decorates the tree with massive sized ornaments and lights. The first Friday in December they have a tree lighting ceremony. So we of course bundled ourselves and the kids up and headed down.
While we were waiting for the guest of honor to arrive they entertained us with some carols sung by some of the Elementary students. After what seemed like an hour because of the cold (only 15v minutes) we heard the sirens coming. This year Santa arrived via Fire Truck.
Emma being the smarty pants she is asked us if the fireman went and picked up Santa and Mrs. Claus at the north pole. Dave told her that Santa drove his sleigh to the fire station and then got on the fire truck.
After a few more songs it was time for the countdown. 5....4....3....2....1....
Once the tree was lite it was across the street to the Town Hall where we waited in line for almost an hour just for Emma to sit on Santa's lap again.
She told us that she was unable to tell Santa everything she wanted at the zoo a few weeks ago so she just had to see him again. This time around Ian said from the start he that he did not want to sit on Santa's lap so we didn't force him but Emma did great as always.
Our next stop was upstairs to get some cookies and cocco and then on our way out we stopped downstairs to look at the Lego Mania display. Ian was completly fasinated with this. The picture here is of the lego version of our Town Hall.
It was a great family night for us and the best part for Dave and I was that it was all free!
I love free stuff like that! Looks like you guys had a great time...
I love love love how Emma tilts her head in pictures. She looks so much like you!
Looks like you had a good time....and free is the best part! :)
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